I am finally creating a blog. Since this is our very first blog, I have decided to start at the very beginning. A very good place to start. When you read you begin with ABC. When you blog you begin with Brian and me! Ok. That was a little cheesy, but Sound of Music fans everywhere will love it! Anyway. As most of you know, Brian and I met on our missions in Nebraska. No funny business. We were strictly obedient. That is where we discovered that we both had strong testimonies and that we got along very well. We also saw that we worked well together as we served in the same ward for 3 months in a little town called Hastings. Missions are great. Ours lead us to each other. We wouldn't have found each other if I hadn't gone on my mission when I did. Again, cheesy, but at least this chessiness is true. We then got home, dated very briefly and got engaged. We were engaged over the summer of 2006. Here are just a couple of our beautiful engagement pics taken by my sister, Marie.