Well. To make a long story not as long, Brian's sisters took Oliver into their rooms to see if they had anything that he could possibly wear and he came out in this. It was the smallest t-shirt that they could find, tied up on the side, eighties style, with a hair elastic. He went out into the crowded cemetaries looking like his mommy didn't dress him that day, but he had fun wandering through the grass and talking as loud as he wanted. It sure was very cute and funny!
Sunday, May 31, 2009
Memorial Day Toga
We go to the Bowles house for dinner every Sunday. The
Sunday before Memorial Day we were over there eating and Oliver dropped his cup sippy side down into his high chair. I don't know how long it was like that before I realized. Needless to say, he had grape juice soaked all the way through his cute overalls and onesie. I took his wet, stained clothes off, rinsed them out, and put them outside to dry. About 5 minutes later, Grandma Christensen asked us if we were all ready to go put flowers on graves. I didn't know that we were going on Sunday instead of Monday and Oliver's clothes were unwearable. It was cloudy and windy and I didn't bring extra clothes and he was in just a diaper.

Well. To make a long story not as long, Brian's sisters took Oliver into their rooms to see if they had anything that he could possibly wear and he came out in this. It was the smallest t-shirt that they could find, tied up on the side, eighties style, with a hair elastic. He went out into the crowded cemetaries looking like his mommy didn't dress him that day, but he had fun wandering through the grass and talking as loud as he wanted. It sure was very cute and funny!
Well. To make a long story not as long, Brian's sisters took Oliver into their rooms to see if they had anything that he could possibly wear and he came out in this. It was the smallest t-shirt that they could find, tied up on the side, eighties style, with a hair elastic. He went out into the crowded cemetaries looking like his mommy didn't dress him that day, but he had fun wandering through the grass and talking as loud as he wanted. It sure was very cute and funny!
Saturday, May 23, 2009
The Backyardigans - again and again and again...
I try really hard to not have the TV on all day, but now that I have a newborn who likes to eat often, I needed something to keep Oliver distracted while I breastfeed. I decided that if it was going to be on, it might as well be age appropriate instead of watching "big people" TV every time. So, I thought of a kid show that I could stand to watch again and again (because we all know how kids are with doing things over and over). And the winner was of course none other than the totally radical Backyardigans. He now loves it and wants to watch it all the time. And because he's so darn cute, I took a video of him watching it. I think it's adorable. Hopefully you will, too.
My Cute Boys!
Friday, May 15, 2009
No More Phototherapy
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Brotherly Love
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Baby's First Tanning Bed
We've spent days trying to take Dexter on sunny stroller walks and laying him in stratigic spots on the floor to catch what little sun comes into our basement apartment to chase away his moderately high bilirubin levels, but to no avail. Today when we took him in to get checked, for the 4th day in a row and we have to do it again tomorrow, his bili was at 19.6 and he was now into high risk levels. And thus we received the miniture tanning salon. The nurse said to only take him out to be fed and changed - the more lights the better
. So far he's been very nice to lay there all alone in his bright little bed. What a nice boy! Hopefully it helps and is over with soon.
Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Friday, May 8, 2009
He's Finally Out!
Dexter Wade Bowles was born on May 6, 2009 at 4:56pm. He was 9 lbs. 9 oz. and 21 inches long. Soooo big!!!!! I am so glad to have my organ space back! No wonder I felt like I was being squished and kicked everywhere. I went into the hospital at 8:30am. We had to keep things slow until my strep b antibotic had been on long enough (4 hours). After then things went fast! My doctor came in and broke my water at 3:00 pm, contractions got closer and stronger and before 2 hours had gone by, Dex was here. We're happy to be back home. I'm feeling much better and Oliver is so far happy and excited about his new baby. P.S. If you were wondering about the ultrasounds from the last post, the top one is Oliver and the bottom one is Dexter.
Sunday, May 3, 2009
Who is Who?

Since I'm still waiting for the arrival of our second boy and am starting to go a little crazy from all the anticipation, I started getting curious. I whipped out Oliver's ultrasound face picture and compared it with baby number 2's ultrasound face pic. It's my new game - are they going to look exactly alike, similar, or total different in their faces. You see what you think. P.S. The dates of the ultrasound are in the top right corner of each picture so you should be able to figure out who's who.
Playing on the Tramp
Grandma and Grandpa Bowles have a tramp at their house and Oliver has learned that it's fun! He even got on it by himself the other day and walked all around the bouncy, uneven surface. He's just so big!
Saturday, May 2, 2009
Dinner with the Girls
It's been a while since I had the chance to go out with friends, especially these friends. Emily Morris Krimme was in town from Washington, so we got together some of the old gang (the part that was close enough) and went out to Olive Garden. It was lots of fun and we even got to see Emily's kids for a little while.
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