Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Funny Ollie
Camo Boys

Monday, June 29, 2009
Keep Your...Feet Off the Dinner Table?
When we got back from St. George, we were still lonely. So, we have aslo spent a couple of days playing with Marie's 4 fun and crazy boys. While she took a much needed overnight date with her husband, my mom and I watched the boys. We made them Mac and Cheese and peas for dinner and Oliver was eating with one foot up on the table basically the whole time. He loved playing and eating with friends! 
Saturday, June 27, 2009
Ollie in the Waterfall
Oliver was so cute playing in the splashplay fountain that I thought, what the heck - might as well put some videos on the blog, too!
Super St. George Visit
Brian left for Denver on June 20th at 8am. About as soon as he was gone, I was lonely. A few hours later, I was talking with my mom on the phone about how long Brian was going to be gone and how I was so sad to be all alone. She said, "well, what do you have to do there?" Me, "nothing really." "So just come down to St. George and be with us," she said. Once she pointed it out, I couldn't resist. I threw a bunch of clean clothes in a laundry basket and some of Ollie's favorite toys in a plastic tub, grabbed all the diapers we had left and took off for St. George. And I'm so glad that I did. We stayed with my parents and had a great time reading stories, taking baths, getting to sitting on the counter, playing with Grandma's phone, and getting to sleep on people. Derek, Cristina and Jude came and played several times, too. On the last full day that we were there, we all went down to Main Street where the city has done a wonderful thing and built a "splashplay" fountain and a little stream with a little waterfall. Oliver took off for the fountain as soon as he saw it and went right in without fear. He played in there with Derek and Grandpa for quite a while. Then we went to play in the stream and even Jude got into the water there (it was much warmer than the fountain water, which was really fairly cold for a June day in St. George). Then he went back to the fountain. Ollie loved it and didn't want to leave. We all had a great time. It was the most fun that I've had for a while now. It was so great! That's why there are so many pictures, because we just loved it!
Friday, June 19, 2009
Saturday, June 13, 2009
Lots of Cute Boys!
Dexter is getting blessed tomorrow so Derek, Cristina, and Jude are here to witness the (no pun intended) blessed event. They are staying with us and we are having are great time playing with 3 such cute baby boys. The first pic is Jude and Dex getting to know each other. The other is of all 5 cute boys playing together. Ya, Dex is huge - Jude is 4 months old and Dexter is just as bigger or bigger than him. Ahhhhhh, so cute!!!
Saturday, June 6, 2009
One Month

Dexter is now one month old as of today. The last time he was weighed, on May 29th, he was 10lbs. 12oz. He is getting so big so fast. Oliver had his 15 month check up on the 5th and he weighed 21.6lbs. So, basically Dex is already half his size. They are both such cute, funny boys and I guess it's ok if Dex ends up bigger than Ollie. Ollie will just have to learn to pull the big brother card. Since Dex is now a month old, I decided that it would be fun to post a pic of both of my sweet boys at one month old. The first picture is Oliver and the second one is Dexter. By the way, this is the usually type of look on Dex's face. We think he's not quite sure about the crazy family that he landed in. And then of course, a few cute and goofy pics of them together. Oliver just loves to give his little bro "loves."
Friday, June 5, 2009
Helping Out Mommy
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
Just Chillin'
Oliver climbs up into this walker all by himself. He decided to climb in and chill while we watched some Mickey Mouse Clubhouse (the newest kid's show that I am introducing him to and don't worry Backyardigan fans, it's still our favorite). He looks so relaxe
d in the first picture. Like it's the most comfortable place to sit ever!
And then there's
Dexter trying to chill but if the look on his face means anything, then he's obviously distressed about something. Either that or trying to poop. But he sure looks cute in brown with his dark hair and skin!
Monday, June 1, 2009
The other day, Ollie pulled all o
f our blankets off our bed. He then wrapped the sheet around him like a shawl and dragged it all around the living room. He is such a silly, cute boy! Here is also a great picture of Dex. He probably just had gas, but I caught it at the perfect moment, so he looks like he's smiling. You can see one of his super cute dimples. How precious!
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