swim diapers and trunks, sprayed them down with sunscreen, grabbed some balls and cups and took them out to the pool. They had a great time! They were splashing, dumping water, throwing the toys out, whatever they wanted and it didn't matter because we were outside. There was no fighting and I was so proud of myself for getting them outside. We went back in after about an hour, ate lunch and I put them down for naps. Good, I thought to myself. Not good. Ollie went down fine. Brooklyn tantrumned in her playpen for several minutes before she finally gave in. I nursed Dex one side and he fell asleep, but when I tried to lay him down, he woke up. Nursed the other side and just laid down next to him. He stayed asleep. Good, right? Wrong! Brooklyn woke up and started fussing after only 30 minutes of sleeping. I got her out, rocked her in the rocking chair and she fell back asleep. I just sat there with her for a while and everything seemed fine until Dex realized that I wasn't there anymore and he started fussing. Brooklyn was asleep so I went to put her back in her bed to get Dex. As soon as I laid her down she let out an ear shattering scream that abruptedly ended everyone's naps. I was suddenly surrounded by
Friday, August 28, 2009
Just One of Those Mom Days
swim diapers and trunks, sprayed them down with sunscreen, grabbed some balls and cups and took them out to the pool. They had a great time! They were splashing, dumping water, throwing the toys out, whatever they wanted and it didn't matter because we were outside. There was no fighting and I was so proud of myself for getting them outside. We went back in after about an hour, ate lunch and I put them down for naps. Good, I thought to myself. Not good. Ollie went down fine. Brooklyn tantrumned in her playpen for several minutes before she finally gave in. I nursed Dex one side and he fell asleep, but when I tried to lay him down, he woke up. Nursed the other side and just laid down next to him. He stayed asleep. Good, right? Wrong! Brooklyn woke up and started fussing after only 30 minutes of sleeping. I got her out, rocked her in the rocking chair and she fell back asleep. I just sat there with her for a while and everything seemed fine until Dex realized that I wasn't there anymore and he started fussing. Brooklyn was asleep so I went to put her back in her bed to get Dex. As soon as I laid her down she let out an ear shattering scream that abruptedly ended everyone's naps. I was suddenly surrounded by
The Park and More

This Week's Happenings
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
The Infamous Yellow Tub
More Firsts
Another 1st For Dexy
A few days ago we got another first from Dexter. Brian was playing with him and he started laughing! Yay! I love when they laugh for the first time. Dexy has been so smiley and happy and it's seemed like there was always a laugh just on the tip of his tongue. He figured it out and it was so cute! What a precious boy!
A Few Long Nights
Monday, August 24, 2009
Dexy "Talking"
Dexter has recently been becoming quite vocal. He's starting to be a big time "talker." Here's a video of him chatting with me. It's a couple minutes long, so you don't have to watch the whole thing if you get bored. I just think that he's amazingly cute, so I didn't want to stop it until he was totally finished telling me what he had to say.
Sunday, August 23, 2009
Binky Liberation Day!

Last week Alisha took Brooklyn (the little girl that I babysit) to a dentist. Their dentist told them that the binkies really need to go before the child is 18 months old or it can affect their teeth long term. So, Alisha cut up Brooklyn's binkies and had her help throw them away. Oliver will be 18 months old on September 4th. I've been thinking about taking his binkies away for a while, but didn't want to do it while Brian was in Denver and we were traveling all about this summer. No need to make extra trama. But, now the timing was right, especially since Brooklyn will show up Tuesday morning binky-less. Mom told me that Heather (we think) wrote one of her kids a story about them to help them get rid of something, so that's what I did. I wanted it to be kind of fun and special and I wanted him to be somewhat prepared. So, for several days I talked to Ollie about throwing away the binkies on Sunday. Then today, we went to the Bowles house for our usual Sunday night dinner where we had what I have been calling Oliver's "big boy" party. Just before we left and on the way there he had a binky in his mouth and one in each hand. He was saying his last goodbyes, I think. We ate dinner and let him play for a while. Then, I busted out the story that I made. We read the story with cute pictures of him as a baby with a binky and now as a big boy who doesn't need a binky to do fun, big boy things. Then we all walked outside with him to the big garbage. I held him up and started to throw away the binkies (we had several). He was reluctant to let go, but finally did with a little help. We closed the lid and everyone clapped and cheered for him. From then on, I tried to make it a fun, Ollie focused time. We ate cake, jumped on the trampoline, learned to play Ring Around the Rosies, played with cool toys, and even stayed to let him take a bath in a real bathtub (I just forgot to bring him jammies which is why he's only wearing a diaper in that one picture)! It turned out to be really fun and actually went pretty much just how I wanted it to go. And tonight when we got home, he went to bed without a binky like a champ! Just a couple of whimpers and that was it; no big fuss or loud crying. He handled it beautifully! I am so proud of my big boy!
Friday, August 14, 2009
Dexter's 1st Roll-over
Ollie the Dog
Oliver loves dogs. When we are here in St. George, he even loves to play with Duckets who is a bigger dog than what he's use to (think Hodgie and Spanky). He loves dogs so much that sometimes he acts like a dog. We were outside on a walk and when we got back Ollie was thirsty and overheated as usual. But before I could get him a drink, he helped himself to a drink from the bowl of water that was out for Duckets. Mmmm, delicious!
Monday, August 10, 2009
We are down again in St. George. Brian is still in Denver and I get lonely and depressed when I'm left alone in our brown, now spider infested, "cat-yack" basement. So, when I get the chance, I just come down to the sunshine to play with my family. This Saturday, August 8th, was Mountain America apprection day at Sand Hallow Aquatic Center and since Cristina works there, we got to go for free. Oliver's loves swimming and I didn't want to miss the chance, so Cristina and Derek let Ollie and I come with them to play. Jude and Dexter were sleeping, so they stayed home with Grandma and Grandpa. Knowing how crazy Ollie is, I put a life jacket on him and just let him tear off into the water. He LOVED it! He learned that he could float on his back and even liked it when we would pull him through the water by his life jacket. He also loved going down the big slide. He was having so much fun that he willingly gave me 'kisses.' It was lots of fun! I'm glad that we went.
Here's How it's Done
When I put Dexter down for some tummy time, Oliver often comes over and sits or lays by him. Over the last couple of days he has actually been laying down on his tummy with Dex. It's almost as if he's showing him how the whole tummy thing works. I guess that if you're the big brother, then that's your job - showing the little brother just how it's done!
Thursday, August 6, 2009
Ollie Loves Dexy
Mr. Cool
They Grow Up So Fast
Beautiful Dexter
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