Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Baby's First Tanning Bed

We've spent days trying to take Dexter on sunny stroller walks and laying him in stratigic spots on the floor to catch what little sun comes into our basement apartment to chase away his moderately high bilirubin levels, but to no avail. Today when we took him in to get checked, for the 4th day in a row and we have to do it again tomorrow, his bili was at 19.6 and he was now into high risk levels. And thus we received the miniture tanning salon. The nurse said to only take him out to be fed and changed - the more lights the better. So far he's been very nice to lay there all alone in his bright little bed. What a nice boy! Hopefully it helps and is over with soon.


Rob O said...

He barely fits in that bed!

LisaJ said...

Ava had to be in one all day and night. I got her some cute little sunglasses to take pictures! (yep, I'm cheesy like that!)

He's adorable!