Thursday, October 29, 2009

Dexy the Skunk

Last night was our ward Halloween party. I was going to put Dex in the Dopey costume that I made for Ollie last year since we're in a different ward and they haven't seen it yet and Ollie already wore it. And seeing how Oliver loves Curious George and monkeys so much right now, I thought that he would want to wear the monkey costume that Hollianne bought big for him on sale after last Halloween. I put Ollie in the one-piece moneky suite and he instantly wanted it off. We've had him wear it once before and he was fine, but this time he just kept pulling on it and saying, "off, off" over and over. All he would wear was the Dopey shirt and belt. He wouldn't even keep the hat on. So, Oliver was Dopey (kind of) again and Dex got to be something new. We had gotten this skunk costume with the ones that Marie passed down to us and it turns out that he made a great skunk! Maybe we'll convince Ollie on acutal Halloween to get into the spirit of things and wear a costume and let me actually take a picture. We'll see. But for now, let's just all enjoy Dexy's amazing cuteness!
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Rob O said...

Such an adorable skunk! Thanks for posting such fun pictures.

Marie said...

He looks so cute in that! I LOVED that costume. Drew looked so cute in it too. I'm glad Dexy wore it and did it proud! :)