Friday, October 9, 2009

Oliver the Dinner Chemist

Ollie loves to turn his dinner into an opportunity for making concoctions. He is always dumping all the food onto his tray, putting it back into a different container than where it started and then mixing, dipping, stirring and pouring it. If I let him have an open cup of water to drink, then there is water all over the tray and soggy food in his cup. He likes to eat food that has been, what Brian and I are calling, "wetted." These are pics from yesterday's "spagehtti-o peach cheese bread goolosh" dinner. Today for dinner he had beef and applesauce ramon noodles. Who knows what it will be tomorrow!

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Rob O said...

Beef applesauce Ramon noodles sounds pretty good. Maybe Ollie has something there.

Cristina said...

What a mess! I am so not looking forward to that for Jude, i wonder if they make biohazard suits in 9-12 months?