Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Just Havin' a Little Ice Cream

We have been in St. George - Yay! We headed down Friday night and got here at 1:30 in the morning - Yuck! But we have been having a great time in the gorgeous weather. Brian had to go back Monday night to return to real life, but I got to stay and play. I have lots of cute pictures from the fun that we have been having, but here's a few for now. On Saturday morning, Derek came over with his little boy. Cristina was a work. Derek and Brian had run out to get something. I fed the boys lunch and then decided, "what the heck, I'll let them have a little ice cream!" I gave Oliver and Jude some chocolate ice cream (after putting on the mega-catch-all bibs, of course) and let them go to town. Everybody else got back at about the same time and this is what they found. They loved every minute of it!

We had just a great time just letting them eat and play that whole day, that we piled all 3 boys into the bath tub that night. They played and splashed, drank up cupfuls of bath water (gross!) and even shared some with Ducats who wanted into the party, too!

It was all of this bath time fun, however, that caused this fabulous black eye on the Dex! He was trying to stand up, unassisted, in the middle of the bath tub. Needless to say, he kept falling. I kept catching him and trying to make him stay seated, but one time I was too slow and he hit his face on the side of the tub. Not so fun! But he didn't cry for very long and handled it well. He looks kind of drunk in this picture. He wasn't; I promise. He had just woken up from a nap.

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