The next thing that I will catch you up on, is the trip. So, Dexy's birthday was on the 6th and on the 7th he had his one-year well child check-up. His appointment was at 9:30 AM. I had stayed up late into the night finishing all our laundry so that we would be ready to go. Then, while Dexy and I were at his appointment, Brian loaded the car. And when Dex and I got back, it was time to go! It came fast! We said our good-byes to Marie and her family and Amanda and Ben at Dexy's party the evening before. Grandma and Grandpa Bowles said bye to us early in the morning before they left for work. Hollianne and Angela were there to help us with the boys while we got everything ready and then it was time for our final good-bye to them. These 2 girls have been such good friends to me and to my boys!! It was especially hard for Hollianne, who entered the MTC on the 19th - she was saying good-bye for much longer than the summer! We love you all and will miss you!

We didn't want to pay for a U-Haul (and our apartment out here is furnished), so we just stuffed the essentials into our little Elantra and then crammed ourselves in on top of it. And when I say stuffed, I mean STUFFED!

It was a long drive, but the boys were fantastic! We stopped along the way to eat and get gas and change a diaper or two, but that was about it. They were so good. We stayed in a hotel in Gallup, NM the first night and Childress, TX the next night. On our third day, Brian had wisely planned for us to only have to drive about 4 and a half hours to finish out our trip as we dropped from Childress down into the Dallas/Ft. Worth area and to our summer abode.

Our apartment complex is very nice, in a good area (right across the street from a golf course and a lot of huge houses) and close to a couple of freeways. Plus, the carpet is not brown, neither are the walls, there's an oven, a lock on the door, a washer and a dryer right in our unit, and a real bathtub with a faucet and a drain and everything!!! It made the boys very pleased, as you can see...

The boys were so happy to be free from the car and their restraints, that they got right down to business, playing and getting settled into our new place. Within the first couple of days, Ollie had figured out how to climb up onto the dresser in their room.

Dexy worked on spreading the toys around and breaking in the trucks by attempting to ride them.

And of course, there was wrestling to be done on the not cat-infested-oober-disgusting
carpet! So nice to have a floor that I can watch me boys play on without feeling worried that they're going to be contaminated by it!

We're settled in and happy and now that the boys have stopped having issues adjusting to the climate here (we had a week and a half of killer allergies turned into what I call the "barfarrhea" disease - it was a nasty one!) all is well and good. Brian is working super hard and is gone from 8:30 AM to 10 or 10:30 PM. Long days for all of us, but he already has about 20 sales so it is going well. It's starting to heat up and it's pretty humid here - good thing we have a pool in our complex!
I am so happy for you! You guys have had to put up with that nasty house for so long so it only fair that you get a wonderful place like this now. It sucks that Brian has to put in such long days but it's only one summer. They have been doing major hour cutback at lowes so I don't think a texas trip is going to be finnancially possible so I will see you guys in this August. I am so excited!!!!
Sounds wonderful. By the way, Grandpa Oliver was also there for Dexy's birthday party and to say goodbye. I love you guys!
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