Brian's side of the family has a 4th of July tradition that is a week of fun up at East Canyon. They get a bunch of condos to stay in and take their company's boat up to the lake and have a grand old time tubing, water skiing, and knee boarding as well as playing in the pool and the little splash play back at the condos. Last year we didn't make it to East Canyon and the year before that, Ollie was only 5 months old and I was breastfeeding so it wasn't very much fun, at least for me. But this year, we had a great time! We took the boys on the boat and even on tube rides and they loved it!

Ollie got to drive the boat a few times and thought he was the king of the world!

There was even an inflatable, floating trampoline, but the boys didn't want to jump on it anymore after we put it in the cold, lake water. We also had fun not at the lake.
Swimming in the pool,

getting wet at the little splash pad,

playing at the playground,
or even just chillin' in the condo.
Brian and Oliver also found a new, dangerous trick or two!

Brian would put Ollie on top of the tall shelfing that held the entertainment center and murphy bed and then when Brian would say "jump," Ollie would just leap off and Brian would catch him!
When that wasn't high enough for them anymore, Oliver even jumped out of the upstairs bedroom window with absolute trust! Brian caught him, but the force of that jump caused them to bump heads a little, so there were a few tears and they only did it once. But we were still so amazed by the fact that he would just do it, no holds bar, in the first place. At least we know that we're doing a good job of establishing a relationship of trust.
Like I've said so many times, this boy needs to be in gymnastics as soon as financial possible. Or mabye he could just run away and join the circus. Rumor of his amazing trick spread and a lot of the extended family had to come watch him jump from the shelf. My crazy, fun boys! We had a great time!
Ollie is the worlds youngest adrenaline junkie.My heart just stops when I see one of Ollies new danger games. Wouldn't be suprised if one day this kid is jumping out of planes and swimming with sharks. He just has no fear.
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