He loves, loves, loves to help me cook. If he sees me working with any manner of food, he drags over a chair, (usually a rather small one) climbs up on it, and asks, "Now we neeeed...?"

He wants lotion in his hair. I put lotion on his face every night after baths and rub it up into his hair a little bit trying to get all of his forhead, so maybe that has something to do with it. Brian also randomly uses lotion in his own hair rather than gel or mouse, but I didn't think that Ollie saw Brian doing his hair all that much. Perhaps I was wrong.

Ollie has also decided that he needs to eat figure foods, such as popcorn (like in this pic) and crackers, with a spoon. I don't know where he picks these things up.

He's taken to sleeping on the floor. While trying to wind down and get ready for sleep, Dexy throws all of his blankets and stuffed animals onto the floor. Ollie use to scream at him, "Dexy! Don't throw friends!" I guess that he's decided if he can't beat him, he should join him. So he started throwing all of his soft things onto the floor, too. Maybe all that cozy stuff made the floor look more inviting than his bed or maybe he just needs more sleeping space. I've decided that we'll try a bigger bed and see what happens.

Oliver has become quite the architect. I showed him once how to use his Mega Blocks to build a fort and now he wants to build them all the time. He'll ask me, "Mommy, wanna build a fot?" He still needs a little help getting the foundation, but once I've gotten it started, he'll take off building. When he's done he'll shout, "Look what I build!" I think he picked that saying up from his cousin, Ben Matthews, while they were here over Thanksgiving because the first few times he said it he followed it by saying, "that's what Ben says." He's such a funny boy! We love his talkative nature, his concern over rule breaking, and his (all-be-it dangerous) athleticism.
That floor space actually does look pretty comfy!
Your boys are both so cute. I love Dexy's outfit, and how Ollie sleeps on the floor. They look like they are fun boys.
Ollie is the oldest in our bunch so I think he thinks it's his job to be te independent big boy. Also he is the little adventurer.
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