Monday, May 30, 2011
Family Trip to the Red Rocks
Monday, May 23, 2011
A Meandering Adventure

Dexter's 2 Year-Old Stats
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
Pictures for the last post
Sunday, May 15, 2011
Fun at a Fevered Pitch

The last post was SOOOOO long! Sorry! I will work to be less wordy this time. Basically, for the last couple of weeks we have just been having so much fun! Brian is going to school year round, so I think we were trying to make the most of his short summer break. Good thing because it's now over; he's back to classes tomorrow. On Friday night our partying continued with girls and kids night out. It was our ward's father and sons camp out and Brian was doing the fireside talk, so he had to be there. Derek and my dad wanted to go along for the campout. So, while the menfolk were out, we played too! It was already almost bedtime when we started, but we decided that every know and then it's ok to let the kids have a special activity. We took them to Krave for frozen yogurt and then to the movie in the park. Washington City was having it's cotton days and we were all about participating in their free, fun activity.
They showed Disney's Tangled (which I love). When we first got there the boys were more interested in climbing the rocks, running around, hanging on a canapy frame someone left out, flopping in the grass, crawling under the Washington City banner and trying to join other people's families. Finally, they rested for a moment to catch some of the flick. It got quite windy and tons of people abandoned ship so quickly, but we were some of the die-hards that stuck it out a while. We had to leave before the movie was over because it was nearly 10:30 and that is quite late enough for a group of such little ones, but we had a great time!!
Then yesterday we took Cristina's fabulous idea and went and fed the ducks at the Bloomington golf course on Ft. Pierce Dr. This activity was a huge hit with the kids! Even more than I thought it would be. They went through SO much bread and by the time it was all gone, we had gathered quite a passel of ducks. Jude was determined to get in the pond, even after tons of reminders by his dad that he not get in the disgusting water. The boys again had a great time just being outside, running around, and playing.
After the bread was gone, they moved onto throwing rocks into the pond. They'd run up to the wayside, gather a handful, pitch them in the water, and go back for more. Brian schooled us all at skipping stones! He got several to skip 4 or 5 times and a few to skip upwards of 10 times! Ollie tried to be like his Daddy and worked on his stone skipping, too. It was a beautiful day and such a nice time full of old fashion fun!
We then got Icees at a gas station with Grammy and Granpy before heading home for a much needed nap time. Dexy happily went right into his crib and ended up sleeping over 3 1/2 hours. Ollie, who doesn't usually nap anymore, litterally slipped into sleep while playing on the computer. He had gone potty while I was downstairs moving the laundry and by the time I got back, he was sleeping; pants-less, hanging off his chair, with the same annoying song repeating endless from the computer! I put his pants back on him and lifted him into his bed without so much as a stir from him. He then slept for over an hour. I had to wake him up at 5:45 so he'd go back to bed that night. We've really got them worn out, I guess!
The fun wasn't over yet after nap time. We took them to Wal-Mart so Dexy could pick out presents with his birthday money. Brian helped him choose the velcro catch set which they loved when we got it home and open. They found it fascinating that the ball stuck to the "mitts." After a little bit of playing with it, Ollie took his mitt and said, "let's put it on my back!" Where do they come up with these things. Dexy picked out his LeapFrog Leaptop all by himself. He loves it!! In fact, they both love it. Ollie was instantly trying to snake it from his brother. It is a pretty cool toy. You can connect it to your computer and load up your child's name, so that the "emails" are actually to them and it can sing a name spelling song to them. We've been having such a rock'roarin' time the last couple weeks. It was nice that today was Sunday, though. We finally took it easy for a day! That wasn't all that less wordy. Sorry! I've got issues.
Friday, May 13, 2011
Happy 2nd Birthday Dexter!
After they played a bit, we let Dexy open his cards. He had an almost stictly card birthday, but he seemed to be totally fine with that. We've collected all the "dollars" he got from his cards and will go get him something fun.
One of my favorite pictures! I love how Dexy is up close showing me the one pack of Sixlets tha the picked up and Ollie is the background with both hands full of candy and running to get more! Classic!
Finally off to the big bathtub to clean up, calm down, and get ready for bed. Grma brought in her brilliant bubble gun to shoot at them. So fascinating and beautiful! They had a great time and were so happy to go to sleep when I finally put them in bed.