A week ago Saturday we went up to the Dixie Rocks for some big family fun. We met my Dad and Derek's family up there and had a grand old time! While hiking around, Brian found this cave that you could slide down into. So he of course, did!
Once Ollie realized that Daddy had disappeared into a cool hole, he had to abandon his rock jumping to run over there and try it himself.
With a little help from Cristina at the top and his Daddy below, he made it no problem.
Dexy was the next one to disappear into the cavern.
Once the three of them had slithered down there, then everyone wanted to do it. So Brian went to find an exit on the other side, while...
....while my Dad and Derek joined the cave party.
Here come Brian and Ollie out the other side. Dexy decided that he didn't want to squeeze through the exit, so he got passed back up.
The rest of them made it out just fine. Jude wouldn't even have anything to do with the cave, so once the men made it out, Cristina and I passed Dexy and Jude down to them so that we could give the cave slide a try.
There she goes. Sliding was literally the only way to get down. It was fun!
After she went, then I decesended into the cave of waonders as well. We soon realized why the younger boys hadn't wanted to try it. It was pretty squishy down there. Especially where you had to pass under this huge overhang to get out on the other side. I found it quite enjoyable.
The exit dropped us right at the mouth of this narrow canyon passage. This time, Jude wasn't so scared and he and Ollie took off after Grandpa to give it a go.
Derek and Brian decided that they're big, manly chests would prohibit them from passing through, so they went around and watched from the top as we squeezed through. My Dad eventually had to turn around and go back, too, when it got to tight for him. Ollie and Jude plowed ahead all on their own with out a second glance back!
Then Cristina and I squeezed through with Dexy. Now this was less enjoyable, because over halfway through the passage, Dexy decided that he didn't want to do this anymore. It was too late to turn around and go back, so Cristina and I each grabbed him under a shoulder and literally dragged him the rest of the way. It was horrible! He was screaming at the top of his lungs the whole rest of the way and in his attempt to not have to go through (he did the toddler "dead fish" move that they do when they're resistant), he made is so much worse for himself. His head and knees were banging and scrabbing all along the canyon walls! Not so much fun.
We finally made it out of the canyon to freedom and he eventually calmed down. Then we took off across the rocks to find a place to enjoy our delicious, random lunch.
We found the perfect spot! Cristina had been the wise one who thought to bring some food with her. She kept apologizing for it's randomness, but it was actually rather enjoyable - ham slices, cheese sticks, bananas, pop-tarts and smores goldfish crackers. Yum!!
After getting some food and water in us, there was a moment of renewed zeal. The little boys had fun playing in the dirt, running around, and taking turns jumping off this rock.
While the big boys had fun showing off their strenth and manliness by doing pull-ups on the rock walls. Derek, whose buff and a lightweight, can do a few one-handed!
Sir, gave it a try and didn't do too bad for an "old man" as he put it.
And Brian, who is super strong but has a lot more gerth to his frame than my Dad and Derek, even busted out a few pull-ups! He's so studly!!
But alas, even good things must come to an end. As sacred nap time approached, we said good-by to the red rocks for the day and headed back to the cars. But we will for sure go again! We always do. How can we not? So much fun, the boys love it, and so free!! It was a fun day.
1 comment:
Amen to the fun and free part! :) We have yet to attempt the crack with Kaitlyn. I, myself, haven't done it in quite a while actually. I might chicken out in the end. :)
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