Sunday, July 3, 2011

Cute Brothies

A couple of days ago, the boys were just being such cute brothies. They were so nice to each other that day. They cuddled peacefully with their Daddy on the couch while they watched "Wallace and Gromet." Then Dexy happily took a nap and Ollie played quietly.

After nap time, they asked me if they could have some of my milk, so I gave them each a straw and they shared nicely and had a great time blowing bubbles in my chocolate milk. They actually drank it all, too.

While I made dinner they sat at the counter and painted with watercolors without whiney, complaining, or fighting.

We ate dinner, gave them a bath, and got them ready for bed. When they were all ready, they sat themselves down on the little stair outside Ollie's room and "read" stories together.

Dexy did the "reading" and Ollie listened quietly like a kind big brothie.

They were basically pleasant the whole day. It was beautiful! And not only were they pleasant, but they were being so cute and kind with each other. It was a good, good day!

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Rob O said...

They are cute brothies!

KelliAnn Christensen said...

I read this sentence "While I made dinner they sat at the counter and painted with watercolors without whiney, complaining, or fighting" and literally almost cried tears of envy. Ah, the dreaded dinner-making time. :( Cute boys.