Tuesday, November 17, 2009

The "Sacred" Big Tub

We spent the weekend playing with Marie's boys in their big, beautiful, yet empty, new house while everyone else packed, loaded, and unloaded boxes and furniture. The first night that we were there, we attempted to give the boys a bath in their tub. However, the water wouldn't get warm and when it was even a little bit warm, then the water pressure was terrible. It would have taken me an hour to fill the tub. The water, of course, worked perfectly in the big tub in the suppose to be off-limits master bathroom. So, unfortunately for Marie, she conceeded to let the boys be the first ones to take a bath in the "sacred" tub before heading back to the old house to continue packing. They loved it!
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Rob O said...

Nothing like a nice warm bath in a great big tub!

Cristina said...

mmmmm...A big heaping bowl of kid soup!