Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Why Can't We All Just Get Along!

Yesterday I came to a greater appreciation for and understanding of why my dad use to get this look in his eyes and then exasperatedly exclaim, "You have got to learn to get along; now get away from each other!!" All morning long, Brooklyn subtly pestered Oliver - pushing and pulling him, and taking everything that he had right out of his hands without being mean or agressive. But that, of course, almost made it more annoying to Ollie. It got to the point where she would even just walk near him and he'd plea, "no, first!" He started whining over every little thing that she did, even if it wasn't taking what he had first. She'd pester him and he'd whine and she'd take something and he'd whine and she'd pull him and he'd cry and cry and finally I was ready to shout, "You have got to learn to get along; now GET AWAY FROM EACH OTHER!!" Then, I of course, thought back on the times when my dad would say that to us and realized why, when we thought that we weren't doing anything wrong, he was ready to pull his hair out. They weren't really fighting, but boy do they know how to bother each other. Dexy, was as always, Mommy's little angel baby and happily occupied himself for hours while I played referee and only broke down and wailed when he was so hungry and tired that he couldn't take it anymore. At that point, we were all nuts, so everyone took a nap. After our rest, we were all much happier! I just want to tell my parents - thanks for putting up with us!!! I love you both!
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1 comment:

krimmeez said...

I understand ANg. The problem is I get that exasperated every day. My kids fight like cats and dogs. What to do? Oh What to do??