Friday, January 15, 2010

Look at This Big Boy

Dexy is just gianormous! I now find him standing in his playpen when he's ready to get up. He always wants me to help him walk everywhere (I really don't help him often enough). He pulls up on everything, even if it's not sturdy or super dangerous (like that darn, cast-iron stove - I hate that thing). He seems bored a lot! And now he's getting yet another tooth. His 5th tooth has already broken through and I think that actually, his 6th isn't far behind (no wonder he's kind of cranky and not sleeping well at night). That's why he has a binky in these two pictures. As we all know, binkies are disgusting according to Dexter, but lately he's started kind of liking one every now and then. He doesn't actually suck on it (that would be beneath him - babies use binkies, not big boys like Dexy), but he has does enjoy biting on one for teething purposes. Notice how in the last pic he doesn't even have it in the right way. He is now sitting at my feet crying. Must be nap time. Or time for more tylenol. Or both!