Saturday, January 30, 2010

Meal Time Helper

Oliver is getting to be a pretty good helper. He helps me put clothes in the washer or the dryer when I'm doing laundry, he helps get his clothes off and hands me the tubs when it's bath time, he helps get the chocolate mix when he wants "tata milk," and he's super helpful (as we have witnessed several times in the past) when it comes to making sure that Dex has food. Here's Oliver helping Dexy eat his applesauce. First he would feed a spoonful to Dexy, then he'd feed himself one. One for you. One for me. One for you. One for me. One for you. Two for me. They both ate a fair amount, emptying the bowl, and were quite happy with the feeding arrangement. But, Iguess that Ollie was still a little hungry because I opened the fridge to get something and when I turned around to put it away, he was helping himself to a stick of butter. I blame Grandma Oliver for this one - she once ate an entire sitck of butter as a little girl and must have passed the butter lovin' gene on!
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1 comment:

Rob O said...

He loves his brothie!