Thursday, March 11, 2010

A Couple of Big Boys

Dexy is so sure that he needs to be as big as Ollie. Here's more evidence for my case. I gave Ollie a "big boy" cup at dinner a couple days ago and when Dexy saw it, then he needed one too. And actually, he handled it very well. For a 10-month old, he's super advanced. He's quit the dexterous child - which may be the reason why we really wanted to name him Dexter! Then he just started throwing it around. Oh, well. He did really well.

And Ollie is of course, super big now that he's two years old. He was singing and playing the piano for me the other day. It was a fabulous concert!


Cristina said...

Ha! So now we know all your pictures are staged!! Just kidding, Dexy just has to be a big boy.

Angie said...

Oh, come on! Cut me some slacke. You know how kids are. As soon as you go to take a picture of whatever it is that they are doing, they stop doing it. He just kept holding his cup out to me as if to say, "Please Sir; might I have another?" It was so cute that I wanted a pic of it and then he stopped. What a booger!

Rob O said...

I love it! Ollie even turns the page and everything!