Marie and her boys came down to St. George and stayed with us for a couple of days. They left this afternoon. We had tons of fun playing with 4 of our fun boy cousins! We went out to say goodbye as they drove away and Ollie and Dexy of course found their way into the dirtiest spot in front of our house.

Not only are the sitting on the black, but in one of the few remaining patches of disgusting parking lot snow, and right up by the curb where it's most filthy! The best part? Shortly after snapping these pictures they started EATING the disgusting parking lot snow!! I certainly didn't give them this kind of idea. It just comes in boy DNA!
You're two boys are certainly very much like boys!
more true then you mihg think. I picked up a book at the library all about the male brain(I got it as a joke but it ended being really interesting) and one of the things it said is boys and men are hardwired to like certain things, like messes. So yes, it does come in the DNA.
Yeah, I can't imagine Kaitlyn doing that EVER. :) I haven't yet experienced the boy difference, but I've heard lots of people testify that it exists! Good thing yours are so cute. :)
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