Yesterday we had a fabulous day! That statement might make the title seem confusing, but I'll explain. This is mostly a memo to myself. I hope that others may gleen some wisdom out of it, but if not, at least I will have this thought preserved when I need a reminder later. You see, I often get caught up in needing to do everything perfectly and that's just never going to happen. Got that me - you are NOT EVER going to be 100% in this life and that's OK. Let the unimportant things go and focus on the moments in life that matter. And now, I'll explain.

My boys have been driving each other, and therefore me, crazy lately. I finally realized what I already knew (or maybe I just decided that I it was worth it to put the effort into it) - my boys are getting older and need more engagement in their day. So yesterday morning, we got up and started our day with beautiful music and coloring and cutting. Then we got dressed and in our stroller and headed to the park. We played at the park for a good long time, came home, actually ate a good lunch (they usually just don't eat very much at lunch) while I let them watch only one episode of Dora. Then it was nap time and they went to sleep quietly and quickly. After naps, they got up and we went outside again on a meadering walk to get our mail. We were outside walking for another good chunk of time when my mom called me to find us so she could show us her new-to-her (used) car. It's beautiful, by the way. We went for a ride. The boys really like go for rides with Grammy and it was even more exciting that it was a new car.

When we got back from our ride to Target, Derek's family was over for our fun celebration of Edger Allen Poe's birthday. In our toddler approved attempt at the macabre, we watched the movie Coraline and made dirt cups. The boys helped pound the chocolate grahams into crumbs while Cristina and I made the pudding. Then we got to dig into the mess.

Mud (pudding), dirt (chocolate Goldfish), and worms - not super macabre, but toddler appropriate, at least on the right lines, and yummy!

Ollie actually ate a couple of his super sour worms. I was so impressed!

Jude was all about the pudding!! So much so that he kept taking everyone's spoons in an attempt to get more pudding in every bite!

It took Dexy a while to warm up to any of it, but once he realized that it was delicious food, he dove in. We all had a fun time just watching the movie, chatting, and seeing the kids enjoy their deliciously messy treat. After everyone went home, I got the boys wiped down and into jammies, read a few stories, said prayers and they went to bed without a fuss. And that's a lot at this point. My boys have always been really good about bedtime, but recently Ollie has been unable to wind down, stop talking or screaming, and actually fall asleep until about 10:45! That's crazy late! It was a big part of my "hammer to the head" moment telling me that it was time to do something different. But last night, they was hardly a peep out of them after I shut their door. Then I went downstairs and my house looked like this....... were scattered everyone from playing with their cousin and having such a grand time.

And the kitchen was a mess from having people over for pizza and a fun, messy treat.

Then I looked down and my shirt looked like this. Now, this picture does not do it justice. It was covered in chocolate pudding splatters, dirt from the park, snotty nose spots, you name it. At that instant I thought to myself, "Wow! Disgusting! Everything is a filthy mess." And then in the very next moment, I had another "hammer to the head" moment where I realized that this was not the shirt of a filthy, disgusting housewife. No, no. This was the shirt of a good mom whose toddlers had had an engaging, active, fabulous day! And then I realized, everything can't be perfect. Nor should it be. If my house and shirt were spotless, then my kids would probably have had a much less fulfilling and stimulating day. And I choose my kids! Then I wore my dirty shirt proudly as I cleaned up the toys and did the sink full of dishes. And you know what, it didn't take all that long to clean up the mess, especially with my sweet husband's help, and the great day that we had had, will last much longer!

These are the moments that really matter! Remember me - focus in on what's really important, let some stuff go, and just try to enjoy the ride!
I loved this post Angie! especially the mess at the end. It is so hard to just let go sometimes and enjoy your kids while they are kids. Mine are already almost past that stage and I constantly regret that I didn't do more with them or for them. So thank you for that beautiful reminder :)
Thanks for this post! I needed it today. You really are a great mom!
(Sorry I have spelling issues) You're such a smart momma! Your boys are darling! I'm trying to figure out how to do the same fun filled active days with my kiddo's. How do you find the time and the energy??? You went to the PARK??! I'm so stinking jealous! It's way TOO cold here to take Hannah to the park. Every once in a while I'll get Hannah a cheap cheeseburger at Arctic Circle and let her play on the big inside toys they have there.
I'm glad you're doing well. I miss you tons!
Love it! You are an awesome mommy! Thanks for the reminder, it's one I always have to remind myself of, and if you can do it then maybe I can do it too!
This was just what I needed. It seems intuitive, but it is so, so difficult to actually live by. I don't do a very good job of really letting it all go if I need to, but I should. And I feel for you about the INSANELY late bedtime and sleep issues. Hopefully, the new plan will take care of that.
By, Jove, I think you've got it!
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