Wednesday, November 4, 2009

In That Moment, I Was Blessed

This morning we got up, ate breakfast, changed the soggy diapers of and dressed 2 boys and took Brian to school. We had to spend $30 for a parking pass. Things were going like the usual day to day grind. Since we were already out and about and we were going to have to go back to get Brian from school and take him to work, I decided to use that time to be outside and away from all the bad, 60's brown of the basement. I took the boys to a park that Hollianne had told me about. It had ramps and small stairs, there was that fabulous bouncy padding for the ground and one of those awesome swings that looks like a chair. It is a great playgound for little kids. Oliver ran around and played for a few minutes and then he saw the swing. I sat in the big, chair swing and put Ollie on one knee and Dexy on the other. We slowly started swinging back and forth and back and forth through the gentle, cool breeze. And in that moment, everything was perfect! My world, for a brief moment in time, had stopped being the frusterated, busy, dirt poor, over-workedl, over-stressed, and under-slept whirlwind that it usually is and it was just peace! The sky was blue with hardly a cloud in sight. I could see the lightly, snow-capped mountains in the distanst. The sun was shinning. It was not too hot or not too cold. And every now and then we would see a bird fly by or hear one chirp. No one was hungry, poopy, tired, or cranky. In that moment, everyone was happy! We just sat there and swung for a good 10 minutes. Dex fell asleep and Ollie sat peacfully on my lap. In that moment, it was nothing but tranquility and an opportunity for me to enjoy my boys and my life! I don't usually wax philosphoical, but I feel like in that moment, I was receiving a special blessing from my Heavenly Father. My life for the past while has been one of struggles, depression and hardship and whether it has been of my own making or not, it has felt like a trial to be happy. I have been working on a attitude adjustment as well as seeking an increased measure of the Spirit of the Lord in my life and I feel like today I was blessed for it. What a tender mercy from a loving Heavenly Father! It was great to have a moment to feel like the world around me was beautiful, that my boys loved me and I loved them, and that everything was going to be alright! I'm sorry to spill my soul to all of you, but I really wanted this moment of time to be recorded some place where I would be able to remember it forever. So that in moments that aren't so perfect and tranquil, I can look back and remember that the Lord loves my and that as long as I do the best that I can, everything will be good!


Rob O said...

I love Autumn days and being out in the quiet with people important to you. What a great moment and how important it is to recognize those. I think without all of the struggles, we would overlook those kinds of things that are so wonderful but often taken for granted.

Meredith said...

Thank you for this post! It is a great reminder to just "stop and smell the roses" every now and then.

Cristina said...

Good job Angie! People who are truley happy understand that most of lifes joys are simple pleasures.