Tuesday, January 5, 2010

My Boys are so Cute! (not to brag)

We went and watched Marie's boys yesterday and had fun there. And we have been having cute moments here, too. I have 2 of the cutest, funniest boys ever! The last couple of days, they have just been so adorable that I couldn't decide what pictures to post. Therefore, I'm just posting them all. They love to get messy. They love to get clean, especially in the sink at the same time. They love climbing stairs, especially with objects in their hands or mouths. They love percarious positions, especially Ollie (yes, kind of dangerous, but I try to watch them and keep them safe). They love smiling. They love playing. And they love each other. And I love that they are so nice and so cute! Oh, and Cristina - I decided to take a page out of your book and put something other than a plain, white onesie on underneath Dexy's outfit yesterday and I loved it. The green under the light blue was a nice surprise. And Mom - thanks for our rock awesome Christmas present. That's what they were doing in the playpen together; watching Little Einsteins on that little, portable TV you gave us so that I could go to the bathroom and move the laundry along, while they were safe, entertained and happy. It's already getting tons of use. We love it, so thanks!
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Rob O said...

You are not bragging, they are cute!

Cristina said...

My boys are so cute not to blog. They are just silly little adventurers. Now that Jude is walking he will be able to get in on the fun!

Cristina said...

it's supposed to be "your" boys(in the previous post) not "my" boys. Also rock on with the color!