Monday, January 11, 2010

Ollie the Frenchman

On Saturday night, Brian and I went out for sushi with Brian's boss and his wife. We hadn't been on a date in a really long time, so it was a great thing for us. We left the boys at the Bowles house (they are always so nice to watch them) and went off for some excellent sushi. The boys have tons of fun and are always happy to play there. Especially if Hollianne and Angela are around (as we've seen previously - remember how the stair sledding was their idea)! Well, they had some creative fun with the boys when they were there Saturday. When we came to get them, it looked like nothing unusual had happened. But, then they showed us these pictures.

First they helped him get into their mom's old school, decrative baby carriage.

Then they put Hollianne's black beanie on him and when it looked like a beret, they decided to just go all out and draw a mustache on him with mascara. He looks totally French. I laughed so hard as they laughed so hard while telling me the story of the night's many adventures! I'm so glad that they all like each other and can have such a fun time together! Maybe Brian and I should go on dates more often.


Rob O said...

Date night is crucial and should be 1st priority! They don't have to cost much. Just get out together for an hour or so without the kids. The kids will grow up and leave, but you 2 will be together forever. It is a relationship that deserves as much or more attention than with the kids.

Cristina said...

WE WE!!! Ju seem tu have two cute bebies! HOHOHO (my best french accent as can be preformed by a keyboard)