Friday morning when the boys woke up, I could tell right from the start that it was going to be imperative that we got out that day. We all just seemed cranky. Because we were off, it took us all morning to get everyone ready to go. We had to take something to Brian up at the campus and then I took the boys to the park. By the time we got there it was 11:30! It had been such an annoying morning. But what started out bad, turned good. Very good! We were up at Veron Worthin Park just playing on the playground. Then when the boys moved to the swings, I saw that at the other end of the park, there were all these people, some booths and a couple of bouncy looking things. The boys were involved in swinging, but a lady from my ward and her little boy pulled up because he wanted to check it out. When they came back, she told me that one of the DJ's for 101.6, Ron Smith, was having just a random special day. There were 2 bouncy houses, pizza, and drinks and it was all for free! The boys were tired of swinging, so we headed to the other side of the park. 

They had a great time bouncing in the bouncy house and crawling through the bouncy obstabcle course. It occupied them for a long time.
When they were both red faced and thirsty, we stopped bouncing and got to eat free pizza for lunch. The break in the shade and the food gave them new found energy.
They went back to the playground to play some more.
Then they discovered this retaining wall. They walked up and down it for a while and then realized that it was small enough that they could jump off. They'd jump off, climb back up, jump off, climb back up, again and again. They probably could have done this for an hour, but we had been having so much fun, that now it was Dexy's nap time.
Plus, Dexy pulled this face! We all know what that means. It was really time to go. But we had had such a fun morning. We'd been outside, playing and happy and doing it all for free, for 2 hours. It was fabulous!
Monday, September 27, 2010
More and More and More Chalk
Ollie love playing chalk so much that sometimes he runs out and gets right to writing before he's properly attired! I love the crack hanging out for all to see! This is better than it could be though. I usually find him out there naked, for all the neighbors to see and judge me. 

He wants to play chalk all the time and he wants me to do it with him all the time. That's why our patio, and Ollie, tend to always look like this - covered in colors! Then we spray it all off a couple times a week and start all over. The other day I said that we needed to spary off the chalk and Ollie said, "Mommy will spray off the chalk and Ollie will eat ice cream," as he pulled the carton of ice cream out of the freezer, got himself a spoon, and went outside to enjoy himself while he watched me work! It was very funny.
The problem with spraying off the chalk, is that eventually Ollie wants to "help." He, of course, sprays off everything but the chalk, including me and Dexy. It really just turns into our weekly water fight.
Monday, September 20, 2010
Bathtime, Bathtime, Let's Take a Bath!!
Jumping Jacks
Sunday, September 12, 2010
"I playing chalk-a!"
Painted Toenails
Ollie really likes painted toenails for some reason. When I have done my nails, he says, "Mommy has painted toenails," every time he sees my feet. When we pass other ladies and little girls who have it he says the same thing - "she has painted toenails!" The other day when we went to Wal-Mart, we ended up in the cosmetics aisle and he was fascinated with the bottles of nail polish. We even bought 3 of those little ones for 98 cents, so that he could pick out the colors. He picked purple, dark blue, and a kind of purple sparkly one. Then during Dexy's nap time (Ollie doesn't nap anymore, he and I just lay in my bed and have quiet time), he started talking about Ollie having painted toenails. I said, "sure, we can paint your toenails. What color do you want?" He picked blue.
I started painting his nails and he said, "Ollie has blue nails. That a good idea!" He thought it was cool. At first! As we moved along it got less cool. Once I finished his first foot, he started to seem a little uneasy. As I started painting the nails on his other foot he was a getting nervous. I finished and said, "You have blue toenails! How fun." He looked and me and then started crying and saying, "wash it, wash Ollie's feet, no thanks blue toe nails, wash a feet!" and trying to rub the newly painted nail polish off on my bed!
I got the nail polish remover out and then, like the mom that I am, ran to get the camera eventhough he was in trauma mode. I didn't want to miss the photo op of his cute, blue toenails and the break down connected therewith. He was so upset! We cleaned off the nail polish and cuddled in my bed until he calmed down. Then he decided that Ollie could just have plain toenails. And we talked about how boys usually don't have painted toenails. That made him very happy! I guess he'll just have to continue to admire painted toenails from afar!
Thursday, September 9, 2010
Labor Day
blue sky, red rocks and being close to my parents and little brother's family), but we have really been missing Brian's family. We got use to seeing them at least a couple times a week, so we have been planning to go up and see them as soon as Brian got a break in school. That meant Labor Day weekend. We drove up to West Jordan as soon as Brian finished his last class on Fridady. We stopped in Scipio to meet my Dad as we crossed paths (he's going to school at Weber and was coming down for Labor Day) and they had this random, little petting farm across the street from a gas station. It was fabulous for us, though, as we had to wait a few minutes for my Dad to get there and it was a great way to let the boys have some out of the car time.
had been collecting all sorts of fun things for our visit, like little squirt guns,
poppers she had saved from the 4th of July, and their favorite...
Ollie found it to be great fun!
Dexy? Not so much. He would only do it once and then wanted promptly off the tramp.
The next morning, we got up to a packed day. We first went to visit Great Grandma Christensen in a rehabilitation center where she is doing therapy for a knee replacement.
all the time. By the time I put them in bed it was 10:30 PM. A little while later, Grandpa heard Ollie saying, "Dexy threw up." And sure enough, he had! Poor kid! I cleaned
Dexy up and put him back in bed, but Ollie needed a while to get back
into the sleep mode. He went to bed at 11:00, but it was worth it.
She looked good and was happy to see us, as were we to see her again.
We wish her luck and hope she's on her feet again soon! 
Next we were off to see Ben and Amanda's new place. It's nice and comfy and has a little playground in the middle of all the buildings. We ate lunch and then went out to play. The boys played on the playground for a while, but had just as much fun finding other things to do...
bubble gun that grandma brought out to with us...
... finding other kid's nearby toys to play on without asking ...
... drinking, or just dumping, some delicious bottled water that Ben's brother brought us (he lives in the same complex). We went home and let Dexy take a quick nap (very quick) and then went to Raging Waters with the everybody - Grandma, Grandpa, Ben, Amanda, and Angela (not Hollianne :( she's on a misson, but we thought about her). We don't have pictures from that.
The next day was Sunday. We had a good calm day. Church (look at my cute boys in their dashing church clothes), family time, and dinner (I made homemade meatballs, Angela made cheese breadsticks and it was all fabulously delicious).
On Labor Day we had more fun activities. We went to Great Grandpa and Grandma Bowles house for waffles with the whole extended Bowles clan. It was a good, fast way to get to see everyone. We had good food and a good time talking and catching up with everyone. Then a nap and more fun in our favorite backyard. The boys had fun talking up the water spout (a new favorite obviously), feeding the horses in the field behind the
We were whipping down waterslides at break neck speeds;
kind of hard to get pictures without a special camera. We had a blast!
Bowles' yard, throwing a ball for Hoji, and playing in this...
... a little pool that Grandma Bowles found on clearence and purchased on a whim just for the boys to play in on Labor Day.
They had a great time chillaxin' and playing in the pool!

Daddy, of course, found a more exciting way to play with the pool!
Dexy was cold and tired when we were done playing in the pool, so he cuddled up to Angela and started falling asleep. If he hadn't been wearing nothing but a towel, we would have let him sleep on her. But, we put a diaper and some clothes on him and let him take a long, long nap. We had had so many busy, fun-filled days that he needed a rest.

He didn't wake up untill we were all done eating our last fun meal together, hamburgers and yummy pasta salad.
Then, it was sadly time to go home. We gave our last big hugs...

He didn't wake up untill we were all done eating our last fun meal together, hamburgers and yummy pasta salad.
... popped our final bag of poppers (with our bare feet!), and climbed into the car to make the drive back to St. George. We had such a super fun weekend! It was so good to see everyone and they had even planned so many fun activites!
It was a great Labor Day weekend! Thanks for letting us visit! We love you guys!
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