The same day that we bought the nail polish, we also found sidewalk chalk on clearence. It was only $1.75 for a box of 20. I couldn't resist! It turned out to be a very wise investment. Oliver loves "writing." It's one of his favorite activites. We went out into our little paito area and had a great time playing, as Ollie called it that first day, "chalk-a!"

We wrote letter, numbers, words, drew pictures, and Oliver made lots of lines! Ollie didn't want to stop writing with chalk.

Dexy drew a few lines and tried to write, but had more fun finding other ways to enjoy the chalk, like eating it, hiding it up the drain pipe...

... and throwing it into the bush. Then he'd make his "where did it go" face and hand gesture and we'd have to dig it out!

Sometimes he would even find it himself and pull it out so proudly from it's hiding spot.

It was a great way to spend a buck-seventy-five! Ollie has spent the last few days outside drawing on the paito. He gets messy, but it washes off clothes super easily and even just sprays right off the concrete with water. This evening we sprayed off all the chalk creations from the last few days. He seemed only slightly concerned about it for a second, because as soon as I had explained that now we can just write whole new things with our chalk tomorrow, he saw that it was a good thing. We'll have to see what new chalk creations appear in the upcoming week!
Maybe your boys could teach Kaitlyn how to use and enjoy chalk. It never keeps her occupied for more than 2 minutes, which seems weird because she will color on paper with pens or markers for quite a bit longer.
Score! Us poor people love cheap fun!
I am glad your mom has found success using the hcg diet. I hope I didn't offend you. My biggest problem is how much I feel it is changing our already skewed view of food and weight loss and all that. I am very against anything that seems to reinforce eating disorders, and it hits that nerve with me. In other happy news, I have been meaning to call you so we can get together with our kids, but for whatever reason, I have actually had quite a few things lately. Has your summer been pretty busy?
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