My boys and I always have so much fun during our nightly bath time. When it's time, I start clapping my hands and singing, "bathtime, bathtime, let's take a bath" over and over. They get smiles on their faces and follow me like my little ducklings as we march upstairs to the bathtub.

Then we talk, play, and sing songs, including our own made up bath time songs for washing hair ("we rub a dub dub, rub and scrub, rub scrub scrub washing hair in the tub") and bodies ("we wash your bod-ah, we wash your bod-ah. dadadadada. we wash your bell-ay, and your back, we wash your arms and your hands. we wash your bod-ah so you won't be smell-ay, nananana. cha-cha-cha"). I know. I'm a dork. But I'm putting that in here mostly just for us, so that we can remember the songs we sang for bathtime for years to come.

It's goofy fun, but that's what we like. The boys are also really nice about washing bodies and hair and even rinsing hair. The only kind of struggle is teeth brushing, but that's to be expected with a couple of toddlers.

When bathtime is done, the boys get to climb out of the tub and into these super cute hooded towels that Grammy bought for them. Dexy is the ducky.

Ollie is the lion. They look so cute in them and they love them! It makes getting out of the warm bathtub into the cold air way more fun and exciting. Then they get to watch something on Netflix insta-view while we lotion up and put on jammies before reading stories and scriptures. It's a great way for us to end our day. The boys really enjoy the routine and everyone sleeps better when they're all clean and comfy. Plus, nothing is more precious than a baby covered in bubbles or clean and fresh wrapped in a cute towel!
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