Ollie really likes painted toenails for some reason. When I have done my nails, he says, "Mommy has painted toenails," every time he sees my feet. When we pass other ladies and little girls who have it he says the same thing - "she has painted toenails!" The other day when we went to Wal-Mart, we ended up in the cosmetics aisle and he was fascinated with the bottles of nail polish. We even bought 3 of those little ones for 98 cents, so that he could pick out the colors. He picked purple, dark blue, and a kind of purple sparkly one. Then during Dexy's nap time (Ollie doesn't nap anymore, he and I just lay in my bed and have quiet time), he started talking about Ollie having painted toenails. I said, "sure, we can paint your toenails. What color do you want?" He picked blue.
I started painting his nails and he said, "Ollie has blue nails. That a good idea!" He thought it was cool. At first! As we moved along it got less cool. Once I finished his first foot, he started to seem a little uneasy. As I started painting the nails on his other foot he was a getting nervous. I finished and said, "You have blue toenails! How fun." He looked and me and then started crying and saying, "wash it, wash Ollie's feet, no thanks blue toe nails, wash a feet!" and trying to rub the newly painted nail polish off on my bed!
I got the nail polish remover out and then, like the mom that I am, ran to get the camera eventhough he was in trauma mode. I didn't want to miss the photo op of his cute, blue toenails and the break down connected therewith. He was so upset! We cleaned off the nail polish and cuddled in my bed until he calmed down. Then he decided that Ollie could just have plain toenails. And we talked about how boys usually don't have painted toenails. That made him very happy! I guess he'll just have to continue to admire painted toenails from afar!
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Ha ha ha! This is so funny. I am glad you got some pictures to show him when he doesn't believe this story is real years in the future. :)
That just cracks me up, I am so the same way. As long as it isn't serious or life threatning your childs "trauma" can be funny. The other day Jude thought that he was going to "show me" by smacking his head against the floor. That lasted for one thump and then he realized the flaw in his plan. He just started sobbing and I couldn't stop laughing. I guess we are just inductees in the mean mommy academy. 8)
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