Thursday, August 11, 2011

Family "Vacation" Part I

Brian's summer semester has ended and he has a couple weeks before fall semester starts, so we decided to squeeze in a little vacation of sorts. We came up north to spend a week with his family, including a family boating trip up at East Canyon for a couple days in the middle. Here's the first event on the vaca agenda. We packed up and headed up on Saturday afternoon. The boys were so cute all ready to go. Love Dexy's cheeser face! Since we were just going to be in the car, we didn't even change out of our jammies after a morning of me cleaning to get everything ready. We got up here Saturday evening.
The first event was the blessing of Julian Weiler. He is the first child of Brian's basically life long best friend, Dan. They have been friends since 1st grade so, naturally, Dan wanted Brian at his son's blessing. Sad part was that our boys would not sleep that first night that we got here, so making it to Church on time was a huge ordeal and we actually missed the blessing! I felt so bad, but they understood and were just happy to have us there.

We joined in at what Brian refers to as "meets and sweets" at their apartment after the blessing. It was yummy food! I just wanted to keep eating and eating. Julian is getting big and is very cute.

We had a very fun time being with old friends that we don't get to see too often. The boys were very good to entertain themselves and be happy to be there.

Glad we got to take part, at least kind of, in Julian's speacial day!


Rob O said...

Great times!

KelliAnn Christensen said...

Oh, man. Sorry you missed the actual blessing. It would seem like (and probably does to individuals without children) that making it to church on time wouldn't be so difficult. But it is! We have 1:00 church, and that is about the same time Lainee wakes up from her nap. We are always late because I have the hardest time waking her up when she never sleeps enough as it is!