Friday, August 12, 2011

Family "Vacation" Part III

WARNING: Graphic pictures! If you are squeemish (as I am, but you'll hear more about that later), you may not want to look to closely at the following pictures.

So, here is Part III of our vacation time. On Wednesday morning, we all got up, ate breakfast, and got ready to head back down to the lake. Everyone wanted to do more water skiing and knee boarding first while the water was still calm, so we let them all go while Grandma and I stayed on shore with the boys. We set the food up on the picnic tables and sunscreened up and were just letting the boys play around on the grass while we waited and waited for our turn. Then things turned way less relaxed and enjoyable. Dexy was scampering around and stumbled into one of the picnic tables. He hit it full on, right on the corner of the bench, full in his face. I walked over to pick him up, staying calm knowing that it was probably going to be a pretty bad bump. I lifted him from off his face and flipped him over to take a look at it. I didn't have to look very hard. He was gushing blood from above his right eye! I will never forget flipping him over and seeing basically his whole face covered with blood!

I instantly headed off toward the bathroom. I washed off his face as much as I could, but the blood just kept coming and coming, so I grabbed a bunch of paper towel and started trying to apply pressure to the wound. Grandma had gone into the little store to get some ice, so I went there to tell her that we probably needed to take him to the hospital for stitches. We went into the store and I sat Dexy down on the counter. I pulled the paper towels away to see if the bleeding had slowed at all. BIG MISTAKE! I got a good look into his very deep and bloody wound, felt woozy, decided to rest my head on my arm and then woke up in a fight of terror on the hard floor a few minutes later.

Yes. I totally passed out! I am a huge sissy, especially when it comes to my babies gushing blood. I just remember putting my head down and then I was thrashing around on a hard floor and I didn't know really where I was and Dexy was screaming and screaming and screaming from really far away. Then a man's face calmly asking me my name came into focus. He was a fire fighter for the state park. We owe him so much!! He asked me my name, if I knew where I was, the day of the week and who the president is. When I got all those questions correct, he asked if I hurt anywhere. Fortunately, the answer to that was "no." I was standing next to Grandma and she said that I fell into her first and she broke my fall. I would have just gone straight back and hit hard if I hadn't fallen her direction.

After quickly and calmly assessing that I was OK, the fire fighter turned to Dexy. He got the girl working in the store to bring him and first aide kit and wrapped Dexy's head. Dexy would do nothing but sit by me and scream. I could do nothing but lay on the hard ground and shake. Ollie was so amazingly calm! He kept coming up to me saying things like, "it's OK, Mommy" "you're alright" and "I will give you a kiss." Grandma had called the cell phone of everyone on the boat about 5 times, but we weren't being able to get a hold of anyone. Again, fire fighter man to the rescue (I'm very sad now that I don't even know his name)! He told the girl who works there to go take one of the jet skies out and try to flag down our boat. He stayed with us and got some jackets to put over me because I was freezing. Dexy wouldn't even let Grandma hold him. Ollie got free ice cream!

The girl finally found our boat and soon Brian and Grandpa came walking over me into the store (I was basically laying in the entire entery). Dexy would go to Brian and kind of started to settle down. Brian took Dexy to the suburban and Grandpa had to carry me (I know, I'm pathetic).
We headed down the canyon to go to the ER.

The fire fighter had told Brian to keep Dexy awake just in case, so Brian was doing all that he could to keep him up. He actually got Dexy laughing! Here he is on the ride to the hospital, all bandaged up and looking rough and tumble! We only had Grandma's cell phone camera so the pictures aren't great, but probably a little blurry is better in this case anyway. On the way down the canyon, I vomitted. You probably all didn't want to know that. I was already woozy and I get motion sick really bad, so there really wasn't any chance that I wouldn't toss my cookies. However, I started feeling better from that point on.

Here it is. The gash! This is what made me pass out. This is at the ER after they had removed the bandage.

WICKED!! Poor kid! We all, sadistically, are a little jealous of the location of his injury. It's going to leave stellar scar, like Scar the lion from Lion King or Aniken Skywalker before he became Darth Vadar. I just hope that doesn't mean that he'll turn bad. He's way too sweet to ever turn bad!

Then they wrapped him up like a burrito in this little papoose to clean and stitch the wound. At this point, they sent me out of the room. They all knew that I had passed out and told me to go wait in the waiting room. Fair enough. Probably for the best. Brian said that he cried while they gave him the shot and was torturously calling, "Daddy?! Daddy?!?" but then he was fine. He even fell asleep while they were stitching him! He handled it so well. They were all impressed! What a brave boy!!


krimmeez said...

What a total brave boy! We've been through the same thing. Kaitlyn got stitches when she was one for hitting her head as well. Sad to say Ang, I cracked up reading about you passing out. I could just picture the whole thing :) I'm glad your fall was broken and you were okay. Good luck on the recovery!

Rob O said...

I hate it when that happens.