Thursday, August 11, 2011

Family "Vacation" Part II

Part II - Boating Fun! Since we were unable to make it up here for the annual 4th of July East Canyon whole Bowles' family boating extravaganza (Brian couldn't miss classes), Brian's parents planned that while we were up here this time around, they'd take us boating at East Canyon for a couple of days. Glad they didn't want us to miss out on the fun!

I have participated in basically no water sports throughout my life, so it's fun to have a chance to go out and play big on the water. I got up on water skies about 4 or 5 times, but just kept wiping out when I couldn't find the right balance. I ditched the skies and went for the knee board and not only got up, but went the whole length of the lake before biffing it! I much prefer the knee board! After the big kids were all done skiing and boarding and the little kids had awakened from their boat nap, we took the boys out on the tube.

Ollie thought it was a riot!! He was laughing and screaming and bouncing all around. Dexy, however, just rode with an expressionless face. We kept asking him if he liked it and he just kept saying, "ya" again with very little emotion. So we'd ask him if he wanted to go back to the boat and he'd say, "no." Guess he liked it. When he did get tired, we sent Dex back to the boat and took Ollie a little longer on a faster more wild ride. He thought it was great! Then he even went with Angela and I on yet another tube ride.

Then it was time for a break and a short swim with me in the somewhat chilly water.

After that, they chilled on the boat while Angela and I went on the craziest, more wild tube ride ever!!

What a cheese!

Then it was Brian's turn to get up on the skies. He had been off in a little cove fishing (his new obsession) when we had gotten out the board and the skies the first time, so he still needed a turn. He has been going up to East Canyon at least once a year for basically his whole life, so he is much better than I am.

He sped across the water for a long time and was even jumping back and forth in and out and over the wake. It was awesome!

Last year when we were at East Canyon for the July 4th celeberation, Ollie was all about driving the boat. When Grandma asked him this time if he wanted to drive, he wasn't too interested. Dexy was, though! His year to be the driver!

As the day rounded to a close, the boys went on one last tube ride with Ben and Amanda. It was a short ride because the boat started dragging, but they still loved it. They were all about the tube!! Then we headed back to the condo that we were staying in for yummy dinner and bath and bedtime for happy, tired boys. We had a super enjoyable day on the lake!! That was Tuesday. Yesterday, however, was a doozy!!! But that is a story for tomorrow's part III post. I need to go to bed now. But I will just leave you with this little cliff hanger - that story involves more than one person turfing it, hard!!


krimmeez said...

That looks so fun! I miss being able to do that. I need to buy a boat. . .Your boys are pretty brave. I'm not sure my kids would give it a try. What a fun vacation.

KelliAnn Christensen said...

How fun. I, too, grew up without the water toy experiences, but you do a lot better than I! I can do semi-okay on the knee board but have never once gotten up on skis. :)

Cristina said...

AHHH!! I am so jealous! Invite me to go do fun stuff!!!