Friday, August 22, 2008

Fun Stuff

Here's cute pics from the last couple weeks. There's Ollie catching a nap in his car seat, playing with his cousin Evan at Aunt Marie's b-day party, exploring the Bee Movie dvd case, and going for his first ride on Trax to and from the Salt Lake Bees baseball game.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Love to Chew!

Everything makes a good chew toy - even the kitchen counter! Oliver wants to put EVERYTHING in his mouth! It's at that phase and it sure is cute. Thanks for all your comments on the new look of the blog. I was ready for a change.

Monday, August 11, 2008

Fun in the Sun!

The end of July brought a couple of opportunites for some outdoors fun. Brian had the 24th off, so we went for a drive through the Avenues and to a beautiful downtown park. Then on the 28th, we went with Brian's family for a day of boating fun including water skiing and tubing.

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Getting Soooo Big!

Our sweet little boy is just growing up everyday! Lately he has been to a movie in the park, gone on a boat, and started "reading" books and eating solid foods all for the first time. He now can also lift his head up very high while laying on his tummy and has rolled over both ways! We also think that he has a tooth in the works.