Friday, September 16, 2011


Well, here is the proof that I got my Pottermore early access email! Yay!! It opens to all in October, but some of us (the nutcase fans who answered the clues for a one week only period) get in early to help beta test the site. Yes. I am one of those fans! I got a little distracted, though, buying my school supplies, having my wand pick me (Elm, phoenix feather core, 10 3/4 inches, unyielding), and getting sorted (Ravenclaw - woot woot!) that my other responsiblities slacked a little.
But have now worries, I pulled myself away after not that long and got back to real life, including a super fun trip to a park by Cristina with Jude and Alice....
...and getting my kitchen cleaned and dinner made. Today when I tried to get in however, they were updating it. Good thing. Although, I'm sure I can find other ways to procrastinate!
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More "Magic Carpet" Madness

"Magic Carpet" Madness

These Boys!

Last night the boys were very hyper, so Brian decided to get them playing. They invented this new game that is now Ollie's favorite. Brian was calling it a magic carpet ride. They got really crazy! It was pretty funny to witness.

We Don't Need a Nap, Mom! Honest!

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St. George has installed a classic carousel downtown, right by the library and the slpashpad. It is so pretty and I love the old-fashioned charm it gives to this town. The first time we went, Oliver decided he was too scared to try it. But we went again and he was a big, brave dog and went for a ride! Now he loves it! Jude and Dexy were fans right from the start. It's a good, inexpensive activity. And now that I'm posting this, Ollie is even climbing all over me saying, "I want to go on the carousel so badly!"
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Monday, September 12, 2011

Cute and Naughty

Last time I blogged, I heard Dexy get quiet. I was almost finished with my last post, so I just finished up before coming down. It wasn't very long, but when I came down I found Dexy sitting on the kitchen counter. He had pulled over a chair, climbed up, turned the water on, plugged the sink, and was having a grand old time making lake kitchenanooga. He's so cute and so cheeky!

One day Dexy hauled all of his pillows, blankets, and friends into my room and up onto my bed. Then he climbed up and got himself comfy and called for me. I came in to find him so adorably snuggled on my bed, that when he asked to watch a show I just couldn't resist.
He had pulled his blankets up over him when I brought in his drink that he had so politely asked for. He's just so precious!
Wiped! We didn't really even do anything all that tiring this day, but for some reason they were both just flopped all over. Ollie fell asleep like that!
Dexy wanted to wrestle. Ollie, not so much this time around.
The boys were being quiet so I went to see what they were up to. They weren't anywhere in the house. I found them here, sitting on top of the car!
And Dexy was even pants-less! See?!? Cute and naughty.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Oliver's First Day of Preschool

Oliver's first day of preschool was on August 29th. He was so excited to be going back. He got to go last year, but only for a month or so. This is his first real year. I was happy to have him going back, too! He attends Monday through Thursday, 11:20-1:20. Here we are on our way there. Yay!
Dexy was all chill! He likes his brother going to preschool as well. We get some nice, quiet, Mommy/Dexy time.
Ollie with his teacher, Ms. Kat. He seems to really like her. But he was too distracted for the first picture.
Oh, there he is!! We're so proud of our big boy. He is growing up very much. And crazy FYI: when I typed in this title, he looked at it and said, "did you type Oliver's first day of preschool?" What?!? Why yes! Yes I did! I have no idea how he knew that because I didn't say anything before or while I was typing it. His only clue could have been the pictures, and that's still pretty genius if you ask me!

Last Week's Dinner Menu

It was kind of an off week for me.
(Cristina's hilarious joke. Laughed so hard!)
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The Boys' New Fetish

Colored Eggs!!!
Whatever gets them to eat breakfast, right?!
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Thursday, September 1, 2011

How We Spent our Summer

At the Blue Waterslide

The "blue waterslide' was a big hit this summer! We bought a summer pass at Sand Hallow Aquatic Center for all 4 of us for only $100. It was well worth it!


Storytime at the library on Friday mornings. Love love love! We'd meet Cristina and kids there and then almost always followed that up with....


...the splashpad! Another fabulous activity!


The last activity of choice, our usual fall back, was to play in Cristina's backyard. If we needed an activity it was usually one of these 4. What a fun way to spend our summer!

FYI - I made these gifs at I'm very excited about them!