Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Dexy Talking

Dexy is becoming such a talker! I love hearing him try to say EVERYTHING!
I don't know what 'monnanotto' means. Ollie's a goof!

We call underwear "chonies" because someone on Brian's mission called them that. And one day when Dexy and Jude were here doing good pottying, I randomly called them a "chonie hero." Then Brian picked it up later and started singing chonie hero to tune of "Jukebox Hero." The boys love it now!! Dexy even tries to sing it and it's so precious. He's just doing such good talking. It makes me so happy!


KelliAnn Christensen said...

Don't tell Dexy, but the whole time she was watching this, Lainee kept saying, "Baby! Baby!" :) She calls any young child a baby, though. I love the song.

Cristina said...

Dexy is getting so big, all of our boys are. It's so exciting!