Wednesday, August 24, 2011

"No baby. Dig booy!"

When you ask Dexy if he's a baby he says, "No baby. Dig booy!" And he would be right. He is becoming such a big boy. The boy boys are both being very much "all boy" lately and are insisting to me that they are all grown up.

Doing such things as filling their dirty trike buckets with Goldfish and then eating from them....

....and heading outside first thing in the morning in their jammies and undies.... dig in the dirt...

...and make a huge mess!!

Dexy has also been using the potty and wearing undies like a big boy. We are having a lot of accidents, but that's just the name of the game and he is now too grown up to wear diapers except at night.

Ollie is getting so big that he was exploding out of these 3T sized jammies. Dexy actually usually wears these, but Ollie's jammie drawer was empty, so Brian put him in these one night. This pair is actually pretty much too small for either of them. They are just getting so big!

Sometimes, though, they still do things to remind me that they aren't all grown up yet. Like this! Dexy made a huge fabric mountain one day that consisted of a entire laundry basket of clean folded laundry, a bin of cloth diapers, a bag of clean folded laundry that I hadn't unpacked yet from our trip up North, all of the bedding and pillows from off our bed, and half of the contents of my night stand drawer! So frustrating!! I was proud of how calm I remained inspite of wanting to tear my hair out. They are certainly getting big and independent!

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KelliAnn Christensen said...

Boys will eat out of anything, won't they? :) Congrats on beginning the potty train ride! That ginormous pile of fabric is impressive. I am even more impressed that you remained calm. Wow!

Cristina said...

I am thinking that our next fun purchase will be a sand box, cause Jude also loves playing in the dirt.