Tuesday, November 24, 2009

What Precarious Positions!

On the 19th, we had Evan and Robby over to play for a couple of hours in the morning while Marie took Kael to an appointment at Primary Children's Hospital. They had to come all the way from Eagle Mountain, so her boys hadn't had breakfast yet. I sat them up at the table with some cereal and of course, Oliver and Brooklyn both instantly had to sit at the table, too! There were 4 kids on the bench and the little one said, "move over, I'm crowded! So they all moved over and one fell off." OK, she didn't really, but this picture just reminds me of that song about the bears in the bed. Later, Dexy was crying and Evan asked me, "Why is Dexter crying? And I'm wondering - how was his day?" It was so funny and clever, especially since it was only like 9:30 am. The whole 2 hours of his day so far were good. They are such fun, nice boys! The next day, Marie came over again with just Robby and Kael to use our internet (theirs isn't hooked up yet). We were "dining room" area when we hear Oliver say, "hem meen (help me), hem meen." We walked around the cornor and found him like this! He had crawled up on the computer desk, not sure how since the chair was pretty far away, and couldn't get down. How precarious! And the day after that, the 21st, Dexy pulled our little basketball hoop over on himself. The situations these kids get themselves into!
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Scott said...

Grandpa again. The joys of mobility!

krimmeez said...

You have such cute boys Ang! I love reading about them!