On Saturday, we went with Derek and Cristina's family to Quail Lake. We were there for about an hour and it was so fabulous! It was great fun to drive a mear 15 minutes to park for free by a lake and go in and play! This is a beautiful place. I love living in St. George because of opportunities like this.
The kids loved playing and splashing in the water, which was actually very blue. Brain even came up with a great game where someone would throw his hat and then we'd "swim" the boys in a race to be the first to get the hat. They thought that was the best thing ever. It was hard for me, though, because my flip flops kept ripping apart. I guess it's time for water shoes. It was still so much fun, even with shoes that wouldn't hold together. We ended our time with some good old rock "skipping." I actually skipped one rock 7 times! That's a huge skipping stone record for me! The boys just threw them with a kur-plunk into the lake, but still loved it! Maybe it's because they choose huge rocks like that one Ollie is holding. He, he! Good times!