Wednesday, November 16, 2011


I'm really suppose to be cleaning the kitchen, so I am of course blogging. I decided that this is a least a somewhat productive form of procrastination. And since I haven't blogged in forever and never got around to the actual Halloween day, here it is. We had a super fun Halloween. Everyone got all decked out and then we took the kids to the carnival at the library first.
They had all kinds of fun games that earned them tickets, which we traded for prizes when we were done.

Dexy, the blue crayon. Did you expect anything else from my blue obsessed boy?

Ollie was a purple crayon, Jude an aviator, and Alice a ballerina. They all looked so adorable.

Even face painting was a part of the fun.

Then onto more games!

Soon the grown-ups....
.....and the baby decided to take a stab at the fun as well.
Then we came back to our house for a quick mac 'n cheese dinner before heading back out to do the actual, door to door trick or treating. The boys got the point of it this year and were really enjoying the activity.

The Stielme's house was the best! Look at them all into the Halloween spirit!
Even Alice, who was quite the trooper through a long day of lots of activity, seemed to be having fun.
It was a good time! We cetainly did enjoy Halloween to it's fullest this year.


Cristina said...

Our kids did so good. They caught on to the free candy bit quick. Running from house tohouse and tripping over their own feet it their excitement.

Rob O said...

How fun is that!