Friday, May 8, 2009

He's Finally Out!

Dexter Wade Bowles was born on May 6, 2009 at 4:56pm. He was 9 lbs. 9 oz. and 21 inches long. Soooo big!!!!! I am so glad to have my organ space back! No wonder I felt like I was being squished and kicked everywhere. I went into the hospital at 8:30am. We had to keep things slow until my strep b antibotic had been on long enough (4 hours). After then things went fast! My doctor came in and broke my water at 3:00 pm, contractions got closer and stronger and before 2 hours had gone by, Dex was here. We're happy to be back home. I'm feeling much better and Oliver is so far happy and excited about his new baby. P.S. If you were wondering about the ultrasounds from the last post, the top one is Oliver and the bottom one is Dexter.


KelliAnn Christensen said...

Hi, Angie. I just found your blog. Congratulations!! He sure is a cutie. :)

krimmeez said...

He is sooo cute! I cannot believe all that hair, he must get that from his mom. He is big too! sooo cute. Congrats!! I'm glad you're doing well!

Rob O said...

We are thrilled to have number 15 in the family!

Meredith said...

Congrats you guys! He is a cutie!