Monday, August 16, 2010

My Cute Boys in Action

Here are just a couple of videos of my boys doing what they do best, being super adorable! This one is Ollie singing "Chain Gang." I love how he even makes the grunting 'hoo' noise!

Ollie in the Chain Gang

And this video is of Dexy's favorite kitchen activity. If I'm in the kitchen working, he comes right in, opens the cabniet and gets out the collinder. It's not only a helpful cooking tool, but a fabulous piece of head gear as well!

Dexy's Collinder Helmet


Rob O said...

They are adorable!

Cristina said...

what goof balls those two are.

KelliAnn Christensen said...

I love the helmet idea; I might have to show Kaitlyn. I can make you a copy of the dance song cd if you want. Actually, I want to find the songs that are missing and make a whole new one that is complete. :) YOU look good. I can't believe how slim and trim you looked at the reunion--I was jealous. :) Oh, and, yes, upgrade the water bottle. I am still in love with mine!