Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Another Warm, Sunny Day

On the 16th, Cristina and I took Jude, Oliver and Dexter over to her mom's house to play in the kiddie pool in her backyard. It was so nice of Leslie (Cristina's mom) to set up the pool, fill it with warm water, find lots of fun toys and invite us over to play! They loved it! Ollie counted all the balls and toys clear up to 12 without any help, Dexy was fascinated by the little watering can, and the dogs, of course, wanted in the pool, too. Funny side story. Leslie has a dog named Reggie that is actually Ducats' brother. When my boys and I walked in, Ollie saw Ducats and said, "Ducats, Hi!" Then Reggie came over and Ollie said, "another Ducats?! Hi, another Ducats!" He's so cute and clever. We all had a wonderful time!
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Rob O said...

I love those 3 adorable little boys!!

Cristina said...

That was so much fun, I'm glad summer is coming and that we can do all sorts of outside stuff.