Tuesday, March 9, 2010

The Belated Birthday Fun

The beauty of having a lot of family on both sides is that birthdays kind of last for a week or so. Ollie's had a few more little birthday gifts come over the last couple of days. We got a package in the mail from Derek and Cristina the day after his birthday. He was excited!
And I was excited, too, when we found these super, cute jammies inside! He likes bears right now and just kept saying, "bew, bew, bew," as he pointed to them. He then had to go back to playing with his alphabet puzzle from Grandpa Oliver. He loves that thing!
He also loves to write on his Doodle Pro! He goes back and forth between the letter puzzle and write letters on his doodler. He will sit there and say, "write E; write K; write Dexy; write Ollie; now write capital L," etc. He loves it when I will sit there and help him write whatever he asks. Grandma Bowles said that when she was out looking for his present that she saw this and just felt like it was the perfect present for him. She was right! It's fabulous for him and me, especially because it keeps him from writing on things he shouldn't.
Then last night was the big Bowles' family birthday celebration for the month. Every month, as many people as can make it, come to Great Grandma and Grandpa Bowles house to eat cake and ice cream and sing to everyone who has a birthday that month. The past several times that we've gone, Ollie has cried when everyone started singing. He was so scared of the noise, I think because there are so many people there. I knew that his b-day was coming up, so a couple of months ago I started singing him the "Happy Birthday Song" often in preparation for this very evening. And he did great! He was a little worried, but he didn't cry at all. He's such a big boy!


Rob O said...

Ah yes, back when birthdays were exciting. He is such a cute, big boy.

Cristina said...

That's so cool that he is into bears! Things just work out funny sometimes.