Saturday, March 5, 2011

Happy 3rd Birthday Oliver!

Our sweet, big boy, Oliver turned 3 years old yesterday! He is so smart! He remembers much of what he sees and hears. He oftens tells me about something that we did weeks ago, and I'm the one saying, "Oh, ya! You're right, we did do or see that." He's now also getting old enough to use his smarts in witty ways. When we're in his room getting ready for bed, he'll put his Daddy to bed, using all the exact same words that we use when we put him to bed. Ollie is also big enough to operate the computer all by himself and he loves it. He will play on a site we found, called Zoodles, all day long if I'd let him. He knows how to double click the icon to get it started and is great at controlling the mouse. He often sits there and does Zoodles with Dexy while I get stuff done. It's so nice that he's becoming not only independent, but a helper as well. Ollie loves helping me make food. Any time he sees me in the kitchen, he runs over and says, "what are you making?" Then he says, "Oh, I need to get a tsair," and pulls a little chair over to help. He is our rule keeper. He'll remind even Brian and I of things that we need to be doing like, "Be a little bit quiet, Daddy," at bedtime or "oh, we need stickers for sleeping all night long" to me. He won't go to sleep until he's picked up all his toys and books on his bedroom floor and everything is in just the right order. He still has an unending love for blasting tunes and having a dance party. He not only doesn't mind my obsessions, but he often really gets into them with me (think back to the "we should buy some Harry Potter plates" video or the fact that he'll watch silly youtube videos with me over and over and over). And he still loves jumping off of everything he can. He's a sweet big brother and is good to share and take turns. He's just so spectacular! So yesterday for his birthday, we had a little family party for him.

I made his cake during naptime, but I knew he wasn't sleeping. As soon as I turned on the beaters to get it all whipped together, I heard his door open. He had been in his room for about an hour, so I said, "Hey Ollie, do you want to come down here and help me finish making your cake?" He responded with a very enthusiastic, "Ya!" and came running down the stairs. He helped me beat the cake and then got to lick the beaters. Always the best part!

It was so delicious that when some of the batter dropped from the beaters to the counter, he just HAD to lick that stuff up, too! It was made entirely from scratch and tasted pretty darn good if you ask me (not to brag, or anything). Then we got the cake baking and played Zoodles while we waited for it to finish and the party to start.

Grammy and Granpy came and so did Derek's family. All Oliver wanted for his birthday was a Dora and Diego cake, so my mom went above and beyond and bought Diego party plates and party blowers as well as Dora and Diego stickers. It made all the kids so excited. Even Alice looked pretty pleased about the whole thing.

Here is how Ollie's Dora and Diego cake turned out. Wasn't the most fabulous cake ever created, but it looked really cute and tasted really, really good.

No longer does Oliver have a fear of people singing "Happy Birthday." It use to freak him out, but last night when I asked if he was ready for cake he said, "Ya, let's sing Happy Birthday!" He loved every second of it and then blew out his candles one at a time, very meticulously.

For Jude's birthday, Ollie was the only child to use a fork, but last night he threw all care to the wind and just picked his cake up and went for it!

Yummy! Happy Birthday to me!

Everyone really enjoyed it. Dexy downed his piece before striking a cheesy smile for the camera.

He got some great presents. Derek and Cristina got him this phone that he loves and in fact took to bed with him tonight. Then he also wanted a Dora phone from my Mom and Dad when he went to the store with her yesterday to get the party stuff. They also got him a cute play doh set with little letter stamps and lots of colors. And he got a couple of outfits for the warm weather that is coming already. And just because he is really seeming to go tall lately.

We had a grand old time. We love you so much, big boy, and are so glad that you came to our family. You fill our lives with wit, cleverness, order, a little danger, and lots of love!!!


KelliAnn Christensen said...

I can't believe he is three already. Those baby/toddler years go by quickly. I think my favorite picture is him licking the batter off the counter. We should all be a little more like that, I think. :)

Rob O said...

I can't believe he is 3 already. Such a cute boy!