Thursday, March 3, 2011

Whatever Keeps You Sleeping

I love going into my boys rooms at night to look at them sleeping. Brian often thinks that I'm weird, but I can't help myself when I know that I'll find things like this. They are just so funny about what they find comfortable. If having your Toby the tram engine on your face makes you sleep, then it's fine with me! It looks like we'll have to keep following Toby on his many random adventures.
And if you want to be all askew and you feel comfy that way, then carry on! I still find sleeping children to be so adorable. I have always loved staring at my sleeping babies and I think it's possible that I'm not going to grow out of it. They're just too cute!
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Cristina said...

Kiddos get in some sleeping doosies. I think they are still trying to figure out what works for them. They have to try EVERYTHING!

KelliAnn Christensen said...

I just love sleeping kid pictures--the sweet, angelic ones and also the crazy ones. You managed to get some good ones. :)