Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Oliver's First Day of Preschool

Oliver's first day of preschool was on August 29th. He was so excited to be going back. He got to go last year, but only for a month or so. This is his first real year. I was happy to have him going back, too! He attends Monday through Thursday, 11:20-1:20. Here we are on our way there. Yay!
Dexy was all chill! He likes his brother going to preschool as well. We get some nice, quiet, Mommy/Dexy time.
Ollie with his teacher, Ms. Kat. He seems to really like her. But he was too distracted for the first picture.
Oh, there he is!! We're so proud of our big boy. He is growing up very much. And crazy FYI: when I typed in this title, he looked at it and said, "did you type Oliver's first day of preschool?" What?!? Why yes! Yes I did! I have no idea how he knew that because I didn't say anything before or while I was typing it. His only clue could have been the pictures, and that's still pretty genius if you ask me!


KelliAnn Christensen said...

So where does he go?

Rob O said...

When did he get so grown up?