Thursday, September 3, 2009

The Infamous Yellow Tub x2

If I thought the yellow tub was getting too small when I was bathing just Ollie in it, then I had another think coming! Dexy is very long and likes to kick, so when I bath him in our little, blue, baby tub he kicks water every where. So, I thought, "let's just put him in with Ollie." Like I said, another think coming. They were very comfy in there. It has, however, made the bathing process faster which is nice. Tonight I just did Oliver first and then took him out and bathed Dex, but that can be difficult seeing how Ollie likes to try to climb back in. Oh, well. It will work for now, especially because it is easier than filling two tubs. I guess it's just time to find and save for something bigger.
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1 comment:

Senor Boyero said...

I love this Plog so much