Thursday, September 17, 2009

Play Time

Dexy is getting so that now he likes to have a little play time in his day, which is great for me because it means that I can usually get a crockpot dinner together before nap time and real food is slowly making it's way back into our place of residence. The other day, while I put together what turned out to be delicious slow cooker tuscan pasta, Oliver and Dexter played happily. Dex is starting to really love the jump-a-roo (still only about once a day, but that's enough time for me) and Ollie, of course can entertain himself with about anything. Here's my cute little Dex making an impish face while he plays in the jumper and Ollie making a game out of a collapsable laundry basket and of course, a couple handfuls of letters! It's been so nice to get my boys both a little bit bigger - crockpot black bean soup for dinner tonight!

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1 comment:

Rob O said...

They are so dang cute and I love black bean soup!