Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Dexy's 1st Adventure with Cereal

It seems like Dexter ALWAYS wants to eat. We've gotten to the point where during the day I often nurse him every hour or hour and a half and at night he wakes up every 2 or 3 hours (if I'm lucky) to eat. And he's getting so that he cries more than he ever use to. He is still such a pleasant boy, but unless I keep up this exhausting feeding pattern, he just cries and cries. I think that he is just so big that he is getting more hungry. He's not quite even 5 months yet, but yesterday I broke down and let him start learning how to eat baby cereal. I wanted to wait until he was 6 months, but I don't think we'll make it. Ollie hated rice cereal, so we only had left over boxes of the baby oatmeal. He seemed to like it, so maybe it was good that we just skipped the rice. It didn't, however seem to curb his endless hunger. He ate just as much through the night as he usually does. But maybe we'll try it again today right before bed and hope that it helps!

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Lindsay said...

I started Laryssa on cereal at 4.5 months and baby food at 5. She was just so interested in our food. I think they just let you know when they are ready and we have to listen!

KelliAnn Christensen said...

What a cutie! I can't believe he is already 5 months old. Isn't it interesting how all kids are so different? I don't think Kaitlyn was really ready for food until 7 months, and I think I kind of stressed us both out by starting it at 6. Good luck with everything, and I hope the night waking lessens. That has got to be exhausting!