Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Dexy the Red-Cream-Oreo Clown?

Yesterday afternoon, Ollie woke up from his nap and was feeling kind of grumpy. He's been sick and wasn't feeling good. He wanted to run around naked, so I let him. Then he wanted to eat an oreo with red cream filling and since he was naked, I let him. I didn't, however, want to let Dexy eat one! But, Ollie being the nice and shareful big brother that he is, passed what he didn't want of his second oreo (at least half) down to Dexy. Dex of course started chowing down on it and by the time I got to him he looked like this. I figured the damage had been done, so I let him have a little bit more. By the time he had what he wanted, he looked like this! Maybe that was too much damage and I shouldn't have let him. Oh, well. No matter what I should or shouldn't have done, it's over now and it sure was cute!
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makana said...

that is funny! And a little creepy.. like "IT". But mostly cute and sweet. What a nice big brother to share.

Rob O said...

An all-time classic. It will be a family story for decades!

Cristina said...

It looks like you have arrived on the scene of a crime!