Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Standing Tall

While we were in St. George, Dexy grew super fast for some reason! It must have been all that sunshine - lots of vitamin D to help him grow strong. The boys and I were down there for a little over a week. When we headed down, Dex was cutting one tooth, could only get up on his hands and knees but couldn't go anywhere, and had not pulled up into standing position on anything yet. By the time we were returning home, he was cutting four teeth, crawling up on his hands and knees like a pro, pulling himself up to standing with ease, and was even trying to walk with (or sometimes even without) help! He is starting to develop at break neck speed. He wants so much to be like his big brother. Here are some pics of him working on pulling up. My parents have a nice, soft, cushiony couch that was just perfect for practicing. He'd try to get up and then fall and then try and fall, but after only a few times of that he got all the way up to standing position. He's not even quite 8 months old, yet!

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